
How To Make A Crew Emblem On Gta 5

I haven't seen anything about this lately and I've gotten a couple personal messages asking how to do it. It's not too hard and you can easily copy emblems created using the Rockstar Social Club Emblem Editor. If you attempt to publish an emblem that belongs to another crew to your page, it will tell you that you are not allowed to publish emblems to a crew that the emblem wasn't created for.

There may be a faster / simpler way to do this, but I really haven't sat down too long and looked into copying emblems.

This should work for those having trouble activating an old custom emblem created before the patch. This will not work for custom emblems uploaded after the "SVG injection exploit" patch but will work for any emblem created using the Social Club Emblem Editor.

You will need:
- Charles (if you're here, you have this already)
- A Social Club Account
- Access to the crew you're copying the emblem from


1. Join the Crew
Log into your Social Club account and join the crew that you want to copy the emblem from.

2. Open the Desired Emblem in the Editor
After joining the crew, click on the crew's emblem and open it in the Social Club Emblem Editor. If you wish to add/change anything on the emblem, do so now, otherwise leave it alone and move onto the next step. Do not save the emblem yet.

3. Open Charles and Breakpoint the Save Request
We need to grab the information from the save request. This request contains the data the Social Club uses to render your emblem.

3a. Open Charles and click Proxy > Breakpoints, then click "Add"


3b. Enter the information below and click "OK"


Now we're set to catch the save request and grab
the data needed to publish this crew's emblem to
another crew!

4. Save the Emblem Previously Opened in the Editor
Now that we have Charles ready to breakpoint the save request, we can go ahead and save the emblem we're trying to copy. This should trigger Charles and bring up the Breakpoints screen with the save request. If it does not, simply open Charles.

5. Copy the SVG and Layer Data from the Save Request
From the Breakpoints page in Charles, choose the save request if it isn't already selected, then select the "Form" tab from the request window.


The information we want to store is svgData and layerData. Copy each and store it in a spare
notepad window. We will be using these strings later. After copying these, you can click "Abort".
This will cause the Social Club to show an error, however this is fine. Simply return to the Social
Club homepage.

6. Create a New Emblem for your Crew
Visit your own crew page and click your crew emblem to open the Social Club Emblem Editor. When prompted, click "Start New". We're setting the base so we can upload the emblem from the other crew.

7. Modify the Save Request
Click the Save button in the Social Club Emblem Editor. This should again trigger Charles to open another window similar to the image shown in step 5. Replace the text inside of the svgData and layerData boxes with the respective strings you saved before. Once finished, click "Execute".


The Social Club should respond with a "Save Successful" message, meaning you successfully copied the emblem from the other crew. You can now close Charles! This newly saved emblem should now be publishable to your own crew.

I'd like to note that this trick cannot be used to upload custom emblems. It works because the original image was created using the official emblem editor. I know many of you will ignore this, but please don't be a ****. Don't publish emblems that don't belong to you!


How To Make A Crew Emblem On Gta 5


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